November 27, 2017

Miracles + never making another Thanksgiving dinner in my life :-)

Have you seen this video yet!??!!?!? CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!!  INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got a sneak peak of it at zone conference earlier this month. I cried. I still cry. HUMANS ARE SO MUCH BETTER WHEN THEY SERVE OTHERS. So this week starts the little advent calendar (BECAUSE WE ARE ALMOST ALREADY IN DECEMBER WHAT)....LETS DO IT. Together. Anyone who actually reads this email - commit to me right now that you will do it with me. Lighting the world with SERVICE AND HAPPINESS AND CHRISTMAS. 

So this week was chock-full with miracles. So many. 

Tuesday we made brownies for a 18 year old named Kati who doesn't come to church very often. We have tried a few times to get in contact with her. Nothing really works. We wanted to invite her to our Thanksgiving feast. So we planned on going to visit her at a certain point of the day when we thought she would be home from school. We're sitting in the church doing a language study - BAM! - prompting to go to her house that very second. So we pack up, decide we will finish language study later, and head out. Miracle after miracle. A nice old lady let us into her bloc. Lived on her floor. Talked to us while we waited for Kati's mom to open the door. Her mom told us she wouldn't be home for another hour b/c school doesn't get out for a bit. As we are about to say goodbye - BAM! - the interphone rings. Guess who it is. KATI. So after two months of trying to meet her, we finally did! YAY! She didn't come to our Thanksgiving dinner, but man. What a testimony to me that if you follow promptings exactly when you receive them, the Spirit will guide you to be at the right place at the right time. 

We had a super good exchange with the Cluj sisters on Wednesday. I went with Sora Alger again. What a gem. Had a day full of contacting. Honestly, not too much success. But we never felt discouraged! We had a great time and got to bear testimony to lots of people. The cap of the day was our lesson with Maria. We taught her the Restoration. She had some skepticism about a few things, but overall the Spirit was present and strong. It was really cool to just be able to testify and teach doctrine to someone who would listen, but still participate. Just absolutely incredible. We challenged her to humbly pray and ask Heavenly Father if what boy prophet, Joseph Smith, truly saw God the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. Keep you updated :) 

On Thursday Sora Anderson was very sick :( I swear this last month has been one comp throwing up after the other. Lolz. Sorry. Graphic. But the good thing is that we planned on celebrating Thanksgiving on Friday anyways! Who cares if you're the only ppl in the country doing it, right? Hahaha 

SO FRIDAY WE LITERALLY BAKED AND COOKED FOOD ALL DAY. And I can just tell you now. I will NOT be making my future family a Thanksgiving meal. No way Jose. Nope. We will be going to a soup kitchen to serve other people and then order pizza. But it ended up being really fun. We ate a big meal with the elders, two members, and two investigator friends. We made everyone go around and say what they are thankful for. One thing about Romanians: they will always say that they are thankful for their health - first and foremost. I love them. They are so strange. Hahha :) But it was great.

Anyways that is a run down of our week/I am out of time. Hahaha. 

I LOVE YOU ALL AND PRAY FROM YOU AND THINK ABOUT YOU. Congrats to Eric and RaNae. So excited to meet you. 

Sora Idiart 

aftermath of the facemask......................chemical burn. lol. 

meaaaaaaaaal (and yes. that is the church. 
red chairs, red carpet, red curtains, red table cloth. absolutely incredible)

sora anderson's cute idea while we waited for ppl to show up for dinner


November 20, 2017


hello everyone

Here is a video that will make you cry. Because it made me cry. Watch it. And cry. And let's all resolve to pick out heads up, look for others in need, and then help. CLICK HERE!

Literally. Tears. 

So this week was great. We started working with these two really great girls. Very different, with very different stories. One is called Mirela and the other is called Maria. 

Mirela started coming to English classes a few weeks ago. She goes to the Elder's beginner class. Last Saturday after their class they came over to us and told us to go talk to her and invite her to take the lessons. So we did. And we've started teaching her. She's from the north east of Romania (aka what Romanian's call Moldova. Something about me and that blessed word/region/country) and has a THIIIIIIIIIIICK Moldovan accent. Love it. Anyways, she is so great. Has the sweetest spirit. She came to church yesterday. The Spirit was strong. She was feeling Him. Literally incredible. And then she had us over for lunch after church. SHE IS A DANG GOOD COOK. Actually for the first (hopefully not last time) yesterday we were fed like 3 times. Incredible. #blessed Sora Anderson and I are super excited for her. 

Maria is a friend of a church member - Sora Geambasu. She is studying to become a doctor. Super close relationship with God. She came to District Conference last week. Wanted to learn more about the Book of Mormon. In our lesson with her yesterday, we were planning on teaching her the Restoration, but she had some questions about something she read in the Book of Mormon regarding the Plan of Salvation. To sum up - we had a super powerful lesson about prayer and the Pre Mortal Existence. I think I learned more in the lesson, through testifying, than she did I think hahahaha :) BUT I KNOW THAT I CHOSE TO COME TO THIS EARTH. We all did. And we chose to come, no matter the hardships we would face, because we wanted to follow the example of our Savior and return to live with our Father in Heaven. AMEN. Truth. 

We also had an exchange with the Sibiu sisters, over in Sibiu. Which meant lots and loooooooots of traveling...again. Lolz. 16 hours in a nice little bus. BUT ALSO SO MANY MIRACLES THERE! We had 16 hours of straight contacting between the two companionships to tackle. And tackle we did. Lots of rejection, but surprisingly A LOT of success. We met some cool people, who include: Alina and her dad, Anca, Ana, Petru, and Denisa. Very very fun. 


Okay I love you all. Praying for you. Thank you for your extra prayers this week. We could feel it. 

Sora Idiart 

America. What.

The only picture I took during our exchange in doughnut I have ever had no joke.
Lies. I also took this in Sibiu. This is for you mom. #AKisthebiggeststatenotTXsorryJess

a whole bunch of pics of the cooking night. too lazy to title them. plus i think that these emails don't go on a blog i will title them when i get home hahaha oxoxox ​

November 13, 2017

Not enough square footage for 8 sisters :-)))))))))


Here is a great quote that President Hettinger said during District Conference yesterday: "We just need to feel the Spirit and act" AMEN. But literally. How true is that. If you feel the Spirit prompt you to talk to someone, help someone, smile at someone, give someone a Book of Mormon , be a little kinder, be a little more humble, work a little harder, etc..... ACT. Oh wait. Those are all things I need to do :) hahaha well maybe some of you aren't perfect yet (doubt it) and receive similar promptings. Hai sa facem, da? 

Well this week was so interesting. Some of the highlights include:

Exchanges with the Arad sisters.....IN ARAD. HECK YEAH PEOPLE, I GOT TO GO BACK TO THE LOVELY, FLAT CITY WHERE I WAS "BORN". It was so joyous. Nothing has changed. It is all the same, with the same kind people. I went with Sora Folsom. She is flipping bomb. Her Romanian is better than mine and she has been here for like 3 months....whoops. Whadyado. Hahaha :) but we went to go visit their investigator, who used to be my investigator way back in the day, Mariana. She continues to be hung up on the fact that she was already baptized, blah, blah, blah. Authority and priesthood have never fully been explained to her. Sora Folsom and I decided to talk about that. And we are pretty sure it clicked. We will see. She is stubborn and lovely and I love her. 

Other cool things happened after that, but then I got super sick. And threw up. Lots. And too high of temperatures. Almost made it a full 18 months with no barfing....which is very impressive considering the strange things I have eaten. 

So then lots of resting and recovering. I slept probably a straight 24 hours. 

Then we had a super fun game night with President Hettinger. We played Mafia. Good turn out. I have never seen a bald man laugh as hard as President did. Except for maybe Spencer Higginson. 

AND THEN ALL THE WEST SISTERS STAYED IN OUR APARTMENT ON SATURDAY NIGHT before District Conference. Which meant sleeping on the floor round 98237450923456. It was a blast. Did some good block knocking. Met some super awesome people who want to know more about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ :) 

ALRIGHT LOVE YOU ALL. You're in my prayers like deobice 

Sora Idiart 

 cool moon

I slept here for many moons :')

Not a moon, but her name starts with an M... MARIANA :) 

You know you're in Arad when....hahahhaha 



Mission tour zone conf pics :) luv these humans