Wow. Well this week has been a stretcher. As in I have been stretched and pushed and sad and happy and JUST DOWN RIGHT WOW WHAT A WEEK. So the honeymoon phase of the MTC is over. I am not in a "always happy totally smiley" bubble....or am I? Hhaha jk I am. But I've definitely had some learning moments this week! Heavenly Father sure is shaping me into the woman He wants me to be, which is uncomfortable and hard BUT I'm so grateful for it :)
Funny: My comps and I wanted to sing "I Am a Child of God" in Romanian to our investigator Mele (who we later found out was really our teacher Sora Long)..... So we did it. Or at least we thought we did. HAHAHHA we sang "I Need Thee Every Hour" to the tune of "I Am a Child of God".. and couldn't find out why she was laughing so hard during the song. We thought it was because we sounded awful. But really it was just because we can't read Romanian...or ask our other teachers for help. Oh pride. How it will lead you to do silly things. We had a good laugh about it when she told us later in the week what we had done :)
*QUICK SHOUT OUT TO MAMA BRE FOR THE FIESTA IN A BOX. We had a fun time as a district pinning the tail on the donkey and instantly growing facial hair hahaha*
Spiritual: Okay but really what isn't a spiritual moment at the MTC? So I guess this section is really more of a "The Spirit Rocks and Teaches Me New Things Every Single Minute" section. My favorite quote from this week's Tuesday devotional was "Look outward - See Needs" AKA my new mission motto. We got two new investigators this week, and I was struggling to understand their needs. Why do they need the gospel? I was MAJORLY humbled when I heard that saying. To be able to see the needs of investigators, companions, friends, children, parents, etc. we really need to quit being so self-centered. When we start to look outward, Heavenly Father will help us see the needs of others. SO that's my goal this week. I really want Cosmin and Cristian (our investigators) to feel their Savior's love. "Look outward - See Needs"!!!!!!!!!
Scripture: John 3:17 - OKAY totally eye opening lesson with one of our teachers this week. It was a much needed pick-me-up after a hard lesson. Heavenly Father has sent ME into the world (Provo + Romania) to help save His children. HOW AWESOME that for the next 18 months I get to stand in the shoes of the Savior. That I am being allowed to stand in His place. It really helped put things into perspective... you know? As missionaries we help and invite people to draw closer to Christ. Just as Christ did while He was on the earth. WOWIE. Powerful.
Family: I know that this church is true. I know it with all my heart. I'm so grateful to have been taught by such ROCKIN' AWESOME parents and uncles and aunts and grandparents my whole life. I know that through the Atonement we can be cleansed of our sins, but also find strength and be comforted. I'm so grateful for Jesus Christ. I have turned to Him more in the last two weeks than I ever have before. He literally has been my rock during the hard times. And trust me, there are. But staying positive and turning to the Lord=keys of success. I LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL AND I AM PRAYING FOR YOU. Look Outward - See Needs !!!!
Sora Idiart
P.S. Please send me Dear Elders. I only have an hour to read and respond to emails, BUT I want to hear from all of you !!!!!! So send me those throughout the week, and I can write you back on PDays :)
(From Emma's Mom: Dear Elder is just as easy as emailing, but the letters are printed each day at noon and go in Emma's mailbox. So she can pick them up daily and read them anytime. She's only allowed to open emails on PDay and wants all her allotted computer time to write emails back, rather than read emails. If that makes sense. Just go to and click to send a letter to the "Provo MTC (FREE)" You have to enter a few things about Emma: Her Unit # is 61, Her code is ROM-MLD, and her estimated departure date is AUG30 and then you can type to your hearts content. I have donated money, so when they ask, just remember that it's been done for Emma's group!!)
All my District Sisters + Sora Long w/mustaches during the fiesta :)

Pin the Tail on the Donkey. We still have it hanging on our door.
Pin the Tail on the Donkey. We still have it hanging on our door.
Romanian Elders are the best Elders!
Doesn't Elder Perrett just make you die laughing cuz same hahaha
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