January 23, 2017

Clatite + Jon Bellion = Testimony


Last week my wonderful father told me he couldn't understand my emails because I use to much slang. So. WASSSGOOOOOOD? Hahah. Love you dad ;) 

Scripture POWER: Man. I read some good ones this week. This one comes courtesy of cel sfant, FRATELE SIMMONS. Hahah bringing me back 5 months ago to my MTC days. SO 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Man. Did I need this scripture to buoy me up this week. The strength of OUR LORD Jesus Christ is made perfect in OUR weaknesses. I'm sure that my weaknesses and shortcoming alone are enough to give Him strength for the whole world, hahaha :) But really. What powerful doctrine and comfort can be found in those verses. Read them! 

So guys. This week was really hard! But also, Heavenly Father is SO mindful of us while we go through trials. Elder Day passed away on Tuesday. He was the senior couple Elder I worked with while I lived for 4 months in Arad. It was a pretty big shock to hear that Tuesday night. I felt a serious sadness and loss for someone who I love. I felt an aching to be back in Arad to comfort his wife, Sora Day. I wanted to help lift up my former companion, Sora Purtschert and Elder Ditto as they tried helping Sora Day get through the death of her husband. I wanted to hug all of the members of that tiny branch. Even among all of that, I still felt the Savior buoying me up. I felt the peace and comfort that comes from knowing and believing that I will see Elder Day again. It takes power and faith to believe in the things, you know . . . does that make sense? I know the logistics of the Plan of Salvation. And now, I really believe in them as well. Heavenly Father does have a plan for us. It is perfect. We may not understand the timing, but He does. 

My mission, and really my life, will be blessed because I was able to serve with Elder Day. I am so blessed to have been able to consider him a friend. I am happy to know that death is not the end.

SO. To explain a bit about my subject. Saturday. Sora Schow and I are eating clatite in this place called Foisor. Also, clatite are like crepes. Dang good. So we're eating these clatite. Well before that actually. Sora Schow is saying a blessing over our clatite. And while she is doing that, I'm saying my own little prayer. Having a chat with Heavenly Father. Because I was frustrated and upset with Him. Basically I'm telling Him that some trials are just too hard to face on your mission, blah, blah, blah (I am complaining. Because that is something I am good at. Although, trying very hard to not be good at it anymore hahahaha). I practically ask Him to show me a sign that it's even worth it to stay out here in this little baby Russia country. Then we start eating our clatite. And guess what. Guillotine by Jon Bellion starts playing over the speakers. I'm pretty sure that will be the song that the trumpets are playing at the Savior's Second Coming. Or at least that will be what I hear. I almost started crying. Yes, I know. I am crazy. BUT that was a SERIOUS tender mercy, my friends. That was Heavenly Father's way of letting me know, that yeah. I DO HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO KEEP GOING. And so keep going, I will. 

Okay and also, one other thing that made me happy this week. Yesterday Sora Schow and I went to a Baptist service. It was basically a rock concert. Dope. We went with this real cute girl we met named Catalina. It warmed my heart to see a packed room of people who truly love the Savior. I'm convinced that if they don't get the opportunity to accept the fullness of the gospel in this life/aren't prepared, OH FOR SURE in the next :) 

Thank you for all your love and prayers and support. It means the world to me. I love you all. I pray for you all, on the daily. You guys are everything to me! Keep Sora Day and her family in your prayers for me :) and the missionaries (Sora Purtschert and Elder Ditto especially) and members in Arad as well. Thanks a ton :)

Sora Idiart 

When the other sisters in Chisinau, Moldova go on an exchange in Romania (swapping companions to do work in a new place, for a short time) . . . and you ask them to bring you back THE BEST YOGURT EVER. And they do. And you are so happy. Because it is the best yogurt. And like 0% of the dairy in Moldova is apparently safe to consume. So you have been very sad about that for the last 3 weeks. #miracle

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